In Their Own Words
“Fostering Faithfully has been an amazing resource for us as foster parents! We were given a car seat for a new placement, diapers when needed, and lots of baby/toddler equipment over the last 2 years. We have been provided with baby swings, bouncers, walkers, and a crib mattress. Someone from Fostering Faithfully has met us on 4 different occasions(at the drop of a hat) to get clothes for a new placement! All of our foster children have came to us with no diapers/wipes and only one or two outfits. We have also been blessed with someone bring us a meal within the first 2 weeks of a new placement. This allows foster parents a night to focus on all the other things that come along with adjusting to a new placement, without the added stress and time of making a meal.
Fostering Faithfully also paid for us to attend the Foster Parent Conference earlier this year. It was so nice to spend time with other foster parents and learn about how to better serve the children we love! One of the topics we learned about at this conference was shared parenting.
We had taken the first steps in shared parenting with our foster child’s mother but hadn’t made it very far. After the conference we really dove right in and it has been so beneficial for the child, biological mom, and us as foster parents!”
-Nicole, Walhalla Foster Mom
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